• To promote and support programmes that facilitate personal growth for people in difficult life situations who live in the Southern Hemisphere (by “Southern Hemisphere”, we mean, roughly speaking, those formerly known as “developing countries”). This is accomplished by responding to concrete needs, involving the local population and at the same time maintaining respect for their cultural roots.
  • To support initiatives that allow for the poor and the marginalized to gain dignity and respect. In this way, they can face the future with courage, faith and hope.
  • To facilitate self-sustaining development of the local community.
  • To provide education and vocational training appropriate to disadvantaged children and young people thus enabling them to have control over their own future.
  • To support the role of women as promoters of development, in the family and in society.
  • To inform and raise awareness concerning problems related to countries of the Southern Hemisphere, for example underdevelopment, issues of social justice, exploitation and abuse, the role of women and promoting the concept and value of family.