Difficult to believe, but the area surrounded by water haws drinking water problems! The Aguas del Sol project is part of the global development project for the community of Las Playitas. It has a very high priority and part of the basic needs and services to put in place.

As always, all families participate in the discussions, in the presence of experts and abba managers.

The aqueduct was built according to the Government's guidelines for active participation of rural communities, which includes the establishment of CAPS (Comité de Agua Potable y Saneamiento) that are responsible for managing the necessary infrastructure. CAPS are active and regularly registered, and three full-time employees manage and maintain the water plant. Water quality checks are carried out regularly in accordance with the guidelines of INAA, the body for the control of drinking water, which issues the certification.

Two wells have been dug at a depth of 20 meters. They provide abundant good quality water. They draw water from the well with a solar-powered pump.

The construction of the two towers that accommodate a tank of 22,000 liters each, were built considering the seismic risk. SAMT owns the land. ABBA finances the works.